GoH GoH Girls (Girls of Hope, Girls of Honor) is a leadership group that meets weekly to support the program's four cornerstones: developing personal responsibility, building self-esteem, establishing goal-setting behavior, and deepening spiritual faith in young women. Each semester, they work through two of the eight building blocks for social emotional health as promoted by the UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center. Through partnerships with Fidelity Investments, area churches, and the AT&T Performing Arts Center, the GoH GoH Girls gain additional exposure to weekend field trips, small group learning, and mentoring.
For more information or to partner with us, please contact Jackie Arellano, Director of Children's Education, by emailing jackie@wesleyrankin.org.
Who is eligible?
GoH GoH Girls is open for girls in grades 4-12.
When does the group meet?
Mondays from 5-6 PM
How do I enroll?
Visit Wesley-Rankin Community Center to complete enrollment paperwork.