Scholarship Program Guidelines

Wesley-Rankin’s Scholarship Program supports students who have graduated from high school, live in, or attend school in the West Dallas community (75212 zip code), and wish to pursue education in a junior college, career training program, four-year college, or university setting.

The Scholarship Committee meets twice a year. All completed applications will be reviewed for the fall or spring term.

A recipient is limited to receiving 8 scholarships (value of support for 4 years or 8 semesters), even if taking an absence from school.
Exceptions may only be considered by the Scholarship Committee if funding is available.
If a recipient is absent more than 1 year from school, he/she needs to apply as a first-time applicant. $500 scholarships for four-year college or university
$250 scholarships for community college or career training program

Application deadlines:

May 1 for fall term enrollment fees

December 1 for spring term enrollment fees

All first-time applicants should meet the following criteria and submit required information listed below by the deadlines indicated above:

  • High school graduate, or GED, and an acceptance letter from a post-high school program
  • Participated in children/youth education programs, or a parent is in the Leadership Council at WRCC and complete the required service hours.

    Qualifier / Program 

    Required Volunteer Hours 

    Student: 3+ years of Children’s Ed programs (Afterschool, Specialty Program, Summer Program)

    25 hours at WRCC by 5/31 of graduation year

    Parent: 3 Adult Academy semesters (1.5 years)

    Student completes 75 hours at WRCC by 5/31 of graduation year

    Student: Less than 3 years involvement

    100 hours at WRCC by 5/31 of graduation year

  • Submit a complete Application Form.
  • A short essay of your education and professional goals (500 words or less)
  • Final high school transcript, copy of GED certificate, or official grade report from last school attended. If applying for the first time as a college student, please submit last grades received.
  • Submit a typewritten resume including the following information:
    • Name of last school attended
    • List of leadership, academic, or civic honors
    • Community service report, with name of agency, number of hours, and dates of service
    • Brief history of program attendance at Wesley-Rankin Community Center
    • Brief work history, if applicable
  • Participate in a personal interview with the Scholarship Committee, to be scheduled after submission of completed application and accompanying documents.

Applicants seeking to renew scholarship award for an additional term must submit the following by:

June 1 (fall renewal)

December 31 (spring renewal)

  • Transcript of grades from the previous semester (minimum 2.5 GPA required)
  • If below a 2.5 GPA, a letter of explanation regarding low performance and special circumstances may be submitted for consideration.

If selected as an award recipient:

  • Please mail a thank you note to the attention of Leadership Council, Wesley-Rankin Community Center, 3100 Crossman Ave., Dallas, TX 75212. Include how the scholarship has benefited your education.

As a scholarship recipient, you are expected to set an example of integrity, responsibility, and respect.

Social media, personal interactions, and relationships should reflect high moral, legal and ethical standards. Gratitude and a reputation of integrity are necessary to be considered for additional scholarships awards.

With questions about Wesley-Rankin’s Scholarship Program, please contact:

Natalie Breen, Director of Educational Innovation
