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Volunteering at Wesley-Rankin

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Volunteer Opportunities at Wesley-Rankin

Wesley-Rankin Community Center is grateful to work with amazing volunteers who dedicate their time and passion to our West Dallas Community. Interested in volunteering? Review the volunteer requirements then explore a few of our current opportunities below and apply today!

Volunteer Requirements:

● Must be 14 years or older.

● Must complete our volunteer application.

● ALL volunteers must complete our MinistrySafe sexual abuse awareness training.

● Must review handbook and sign volunteer agreement documents.

● Adults over 18 years old must complete a background check.

Volunteer in the Afterschool Program

Monday-Thursday 3:00-6:00 PM | September-May 

Afterschool provides children and youth activities and homework support, which reinforce core concepts to bolster school academic performance. Students choose from a selection of interest club each semester, including: piano, debate, coding, basketball, and photography. Volunteers assist with classroom support, leading clubs, and building relationships with students.

Monday-Thursday 2:30-4:00 PM, Saturdays 9:00 AM-12:00 PM | Year-round

The Scholars Program collaborates with the June Shelton School, offering tutoring for students with learning differences. Students learn reading and writing using tools that align with how they best learn. During sessions, tutors will either lead instruction using a multi-sensory structured language (MSL) approach to reading or will utilize auditory discrimination and memory training. Volunteers are required to participate in a full day of initial training before they begin serving. Trainings are offered once per semester.

Wednesdays 6:15-7:15 PM | September-May 

Wesley-Rankin Aspiring Professionals (WRAP) cultivates the talents of high school students to increase their college and career successes. Beginning in the 2nd year of the program, students are matched with coaches who work with them to continue personalizing the content and developing the soft-skills needed to gain and maintain a job. Coaches work with students in small groups and one on one, using weekly touchpoints and Wesley-Rankin’s curriculum to guide the process.

Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-3:15 PM | June-July

B3X is an energizing summer enrichment camp for 1st – 8th grade that provides expansive, hands-on learning experiences. Daily activities reinforce core learning in science, math, art, and reading. Volunteers are needed to support classroom activities, lead small group enrichment or offer speciality electives.

Volunteer in the Goh Goh girls Program

Mondays 5:00-6:00 PM | September-May

GoH GoH Girls is a leadership club for 4th-12th grade students to build empathy, personal responsibility, social responsibility, and goal-setting skills. The mentor relationship emphasizes student engagement, identity development, new skills and opportunities, and navigating transitions in childhood and adolescence. Mentors build relationships with the students through large and small group activities led by Wesley-Rankin’s weekly programming.

Mondays 5:00-6:00 PM | September-May

Tri-B is a leadership club for 4th-12th grade students to build empathy, personal responsibility, social responsibility, and goal-setting skills. The mentor relationship emphasizes student engagement, identity development, new skills and opportunities, and navigating transitions in childhood and adolescence. Mentors build relationships with the students through large and small group activities led by Wesley-Rankin’s weekly programming.

Volunteers at Tri B

Tuesdays-Fridays 9:00 AM-12:00 PM | September-July

Known as “Casa Feliz,” our older adult program creates social networks, improves strength and balance, maintains cognitive health, improves nutrition, promotes health, and manages chronic diseases. Volunteers support the program with meal preparation, supervising activity time, and chaperoning field trips.


The Wesley-Rankin Teen Board was created as a program to merge civic engagement and leadership development for interested high school students. We are seeking learners who are looking to engage, educate, and inspire within our community; as well as growing community investment for the programs we operate at Wesley-Rankin Community Center.

Volunteers and kids at WRTeenBoard