Tri-B is a 4th-12th grade program designed to help young men feel prepared to navigate their adulthood by developing leadership skills, responsibility, building healthy relationships, and developing necessary life skills. Tri-B helps foster a sense of belonging and brotherhood through various hands-on activities, service projects, and group discussions.
Tri-B strives to create a safe space for all participating boys in the 4th-12th grade to make connections with the community. Younger Tri-B students build connections and community by developing 8 character competencies which are empathy, compassion, gratitude, altruism, forgiveness, peace, courage, and self-care and older Tri-B students build on these characteristics to help prepare them for life after high school.
Tri-B is available to anyone in 4-12th grade. Students do not need to be students in Wesley-Rankin’s Afterschool program to participate.
The boys are separated into two groups - 4th-6th grade and 7th-12th grade. Boys in 7th-12th grade meet Mondays from 5-6pm. Boys in 4th-6th grade meet Tuesdays from 5-6pm.
There is no cost to participate in Tri-B. All costs, including field trips, are covered by Wesley-Rankin.
If you're interested in enrolling in Tri-B, complete the interest form below and Ale Lopez, Literacy Program Coordinator, will reach out with more details on the enrollment process.